Regional Site | Philippines

Beginners guide to different tire types

Tires are so much more than black rubber rings that support your car weight and keep it running on the road. While the role of tires is true to a small extent, not all of them are similar. Tires are a technology engineered in many forms and designs to suit different...

Bridgestone 3+1 Promo Helps Build Classrooms

The pandemic has created one of the largest disruptions in the world in decades. Gone are the long crawls in Metro Manila traffic to and from work. Weekend getaways to nearby provinces are highly discouraged. Air travel across the globe has been deeply impaired. Life...

Bridgestone 3+1 Promo Gives Hope to Students in Need

If you’re still working from home, your car is also likely sitting in your garage—unused for days or weeks at a time—save for the occasional grocery run. On the other hand, if you’re already using your trusted steed to go to work, you’re subjecting it to natural wear...

Save Money By Investing in Fuel-Efficient Tires

Fuel-Efficient tires are tires with low rolling resistance, meaning they require less energy than standard tires. They are usually referred to as “eco-tires” as they reduce harmful carbon emissions. Are you interested in tires that will save you gas money and give you...

Why is it tactical to buy new tires than used tires?

Practicality has always been a big part of Filipino culture and while this attitude has done us a lot of favor, it has also put us in potentially dangerous situations—for example, our practicality on cars and car parts. Many Filipino motorists are driving around on...