Regional Site | Philippines

Keeping Your Mind Healthy While Working From Home

Before the pandemic, we were used to compartmentalizing and living separate lives at work and home; this is why we discourage taking home work with us. But all of that changed when we were all forced to work from home to stop the spread of COVID-19.  While working...

Manage ‘Motivational Pressure’ During Quarantine

What have you been doing with your newfound free time? While this question may be intended to motivate us, it often burdens us with the pressure to be productive while we’re stuck at home.   If you are feeling anxious rather than productive, that’s okay. You’re not...

What to Avoid When The Quarantine is Lifted

With a vaccine at least a year away and the continuous rise of COVID-19 confirmed cases across the country, it’s important to remember that even as some restrictions loosen in GCQ, we should still follow strict COVID-19 measures to flatten the curve and contain the...

List of Organizations Offering Free Counseling Online

It’s a difficult time. We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and while it’s normal to feel fear and anxiety, the emotional toll it brings can be too much to handle alone.  Instead of worrying about things beyond your control, you can take concrete steps to help...

Alone But Together on the Road to Wellness

When was the last time you went on a leisurely road trip to the province? If you were lucky enough, it may have been as little as just a few weeks ago before the COVID-19 pandemic forced us all to stay at home. Living day to day under the looming threat of an unseen...