What have you been doing with your newfound free time?
While this question may be intended to motivate us, it often burdens us with the pressure to be productive while we’re stuck at home.
If you are feeling anxious rather than productive, that’s okay. You’re not behind on your tasks, and you’re not judged for not doing more.
We are all dealing with a global pandemic and economic crisis. Many people lost their jobs, their loved ones, and others are going through financial hardships.
We are all trying to accept and adapt to this “new normal” we wake up to each day. Every individual will react to it differently. Therefore, there is no wrong way to use this time; there’s only your way.
Be kinder to yourself; learn how to manage motivational pressure with these tips.
Identify your triggers
Knowing what stresses you out is the first step to managing and understanding your stress better in the future.
Redefine what productivity means to you
Doing this would help you be more self-aware. Acknowledge the situation and what you’re going through to set goals that are possible to achieve right now.
Take it slow
If you had a productive day today, nice work! If tomorrow won’t be the same, that’s okay. Take it one day at a time.
Most importantly, you’re not alone. We’ve got this!